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Cyber Security Governance

Cybersecurity Posture in Clear Business Terms : The world of cybersecurity and cybercrime is rapidly evolving, and companies wonder how to define and monitor their 'cybersecurity posture.' Use our platform, with its combined tools and methodology, to inform boards of directors and executives about the cybersecurity risk facing their enterprises

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Group 39590
Holistic View

Expresses the relative risk to your IT estate by holistically evaluating your cyber controls.

Risk Appetite

Determine your risk appetite and establish what risks you will accept, mitigate, or where you can transfer risk to an insurer.

Prioritize Improvements

Prioritize investments with a more informed point of view on both absolute and relative risks.

Third Party Risk

Investigate and control where risk is introduced through suppliers or partners ,particularly when they have access to your systems or data.

Board Reporting

Provide board-level reporting using cyber metric dashboards.

Control Mapping

View mapping of each control to FFIEC, FINRA and CIS v8.